I'll typically ship within 3-5 business days from receipt of the order for in-stock items. I will notify the retailer of any delays. Most orders will be shipped via USPS or UPS. :)
Due to the delicate nature of these products, all stationery, prints, and stickers are final. However; if something I shipped has been damaged during transport, please contact me asap and we can figure something out!
Do you offer commision?
Yes! Email me at heysoojart@gmail.com and we'll discuss from there.
Do you do wholesale?
Not yet, but hopefully in 2024!
Terms of Use & Copyright
All rights reserved to hey sooj LLC. All artwork and designs listed is original artwork designed and illustrated by Suge Lim, and may not be copied, duplicated, or sold for commercial use or for profit without designer's consent. For personal use only. Purchase does not transfer rights.